Friend of mine asked me the other day; "are you ready?" well, i dont know, i heard this question for like thousands time before, but simply from me when they asked "insyaAllah, i have no doubt.." but like now someone ask me (again) n i was totally depressed and just like dont know how to answer, its freaking s**t of me!! go away go away!
Anyway, back in begining 2009 i've ever told cimon (even he hasnt ask and proposed me yet, hehe) tell him what, "yang, when we're gettin married i already have a concept of the reception in mind to be like bla.. bla.. bla.." another thing, "when we're married do you mind to wire all entire incomes to myself and am the one who will split it up?" "i want to have house around this areaa.." or something like "how many kids do we want to have?" It was too much ahead question from me, right? yeaa.. by that time it shows how excited i am to get up the next level of life which marriage!
June 2009 on My bday, he asked me to go out, i was thinking we will go for lunchie to celebrate my bday thats it! (he's not typical of surprise-man) On our way, he ask me to find out the phone charger on the glove compartment, i open it up then "WHAT?? oh my God small red box! its like a ring?" (i whispered my self), "is that for me?" or "what this is all about?" stupid question run into my head, yes apparently he doesnt need charger. I open up the box and i was right, RING! RING! am tooo flattered to get this gift besides i got this on my quarter-century bday and also this is the first ring i ever got! happy happy. On that day, he asks me to move a hundred steps to the next level. Oh my dear.. after all,i always smiled when i sleep, when i work, when i take a bath, when i ate.. haha. Lucky me.
We've been thru all ups and downs in almost entire wedding preparation. Its funny how the wed prep goin on so far, sometimes we overwhelmed, sometimes make us dizzy, make us fight, make us laugh, cry and so on. I thought in the very beginning its too common and nothing wrong with that. Hope its true
Today, i've re-thinking about friend's question "are you ready?" of course am ready. "wont you afraid with something happen in aftermarried life?" silence, without knowing how to answer them. shiiitt! whats wroong with meeehh??!
Ok Ok, i guess too much about myself stories not good for everybody's health, i tried to write about mmmh..i dont know! hahaha. postingan ga terlalu pinting di kala hujaan.
I think si
jeng Nadia is right. we're close to bride-Gila lamak-lamaaak!! *Sigh!