April 7, 2010

Random pick (No need to read!)

Lihat deh gambar dibawah ini ..

Apa siiihh? bungkus ciki? citato? rasa kejuu? kesukaan omie? so? terusss?? pasti pertanyaan itu berlarian di benak yang baca waktu ngeliat gambar ini? (postingan yg ga terlalu penting) i think so.. terus knpa juga di posting???

Now, Back side! (the red cirlcle)

Hihihi, i tell you what, i bought this ciki somewhere in our way to Ujung Genteng last week without knowing when this chiki released and/ or when the expiry date of the ciki etc (i shud check next time, aplagi beli nya diperjalanan luar kota yg bs jadi udh expired!). after i ate oll this ciki execpt packaging nyah i noticed that.., huhu by the time this chiki expired, am no longer single-baby, single-noniii.. am married sodara sodaraa! (insyaAllah, amien). The date is exactly the same wit of our w-day!! kook bisa ya? canggih canggih ah klo ku bilang.. I think God's sign is everywhere deh. (apaaasiiihh??) Haha.

Betull kann ga penting postingan nyaa.. da ah caww!

Salam cium, Brideygillaa!


novy arlika said...

shoumie....kocak bgt seeey bahasannya.... kebetulan yg sangat menyenangkan yaa....jgn dibuang bungkusannya tuh...diabadikan,,,kalo perlu dibingkai...wakakakkak ;P

Shoumie said...

Novy, hewhewheww..ide yg cemerlang! patut dipertimbangkan :p

Quinsha Putza & Irzam said...

wkwkkwkkwk.....ga shoumie, ga nadia, bahasanya kocak semua....makin bikin seneng baca blog shoumie......

Shoumie Sampow said...

Putza, wouw kocak? semacam OVJ gitu gaa? haha. makasii yaa :)