Hmm... let me tell u sumting, our holy matrimony, wedding reception will be beres about 3 days before ramadhan month hmm! quite clear how is the hun moon will gonna be thou! yup, we only have 2,5days to go for hunimun this time before puasa, i mean real hun moon; go somewhere with beautiful, fabulous view, where we can we hold our hand, hug and kiss each other (oooooppss!), staring sunrise and sunset together, walk by on the beach in the morning before n after sun which we cant do during ramadhan month, huh? (bisa batal puasa sayah!), In that case we still, well actually Me still insist to go somewhere just together for hunimun right after we married, but am not choose any places that have a lot of nature view for instance like lombok, bali, phuket and so on. I planned (i say my plan coz this is absoulutely not cimon's idea as he preferred we go after lebaran n me? ga mauuuu keburu basi momentnya :p, nanti hbs lebaran kitah pergi lagi yah cimooong). I surf candidates of the city that we are going to visit. In my random thought i'd love to see Brisbane, KL and Singapore to spend our quickie hun moon (i know i know its too usual, but to be honest this is going to b the first moment we spend puasa's day outside country n just be together, ahhaaa!)
First of all, i book the airplane, i got the Air Asia fare that really really cheap! guess how much it cost for CGK-KL-CGK? its only 900thou rups for two pax! mureee sess. I take it!. Secondly, search the hun moon package; as i mention earlier that this is goin to b the quickest hun moon so i plan to go to Genting highland for the first 2 days (enjoying the fresh air in the highland before puasa :p) after 2,5days in Genting we'll spend the rest of the day in other cities. We will b having teraweh in overseas's mosque for some days, that shud be cool, huh?! hehe. Am still look thru some packages that can attract me in and out (in and out means i shud love to see the contain in the package as well as love to see the price, hehe!) Eniweii, baidewei, in some webs, various package available which quite alot to pick! soo .. happy hunting for all the bridezilla and gudlak! :)

Ayook cimooon, kita hunting2 lg buat hunmoon pasca lebaran, hehe! *sedikit maksa nih*
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