To be perfectly honest i dont like to have pricey invitation card, not to mention it wont be necessary, really! after receive the cards they read thru all the dates, venue, bride n groom name n throw into the trash bin anyway, so why we spend 10-20thou ruph for one piece cards that will be endup in trash bin? No way!!
Parents: "the invitation is the "first impression stuff" if we use good quality so we will pleased people that we invited"
Me: (dalam hati) "hell yeah! wats a matter? its only about the piece of paper that will goes to trash bin"
Well, well parent is parent..kata org2; klo ngelawan nanti kuwalat kaya malin kundang. ok ok.. The most important thing that they want to use good quality n for me the cheapest one will go! then i said; ur wish in my command, Mom!. We went to pasar tebet, again there s no card that can attract my eyes most in this pasar, all are just soo plain to see n the bad things is they dont know what kind models that i really want, i dont like to use hard cover n si mbak penjual said "oohh..kalo kaya gitu kaya contoh undangan batak dong yah?" Me: excuse me, mbak? batak? No No..bukan, hedehh (pusing sendiri!) .Do they think only bataknesse that can use that kind of card, huh? Hmmh.. well, i dont give up, i surfed some web n find invitation model that more-or-less closer to my thought but again.. subject to parent's approval. huhu.. this below are just inspirational board how is the invitation gonna be look like (note: not the mickey mouse one ya!);

I dont like using hard cover (its too usual) i dont making invitation in pasar tebet (coz its too common). I phone up one of invitation card's vendor in Bandung (i got them from mouth to mouth promotion) two of friends of mine satisfy with their work, why dont we give it da try? ohiya, also the prices are quite good. Plan to go there sometimes next weekend .. again without cimooonn!

Hahaha... ada yaa undangan spesialis Batak. Ya ya, yang penting simpel. Umurnya nggak lebih dari sehari sih. Oya salam kenal ya :D (lei)
hai leija (nice name!)
iya yah ga perlu yg ribet2 ga kepake jg akhirannya. hehe :)
thx for droppin by ya..
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