All izz well, All izz well..
There you goo, another inspiring movee. yap 3Idiots cast si mas ganteng Aamir Khan n si mbak Kareena Kapoor.
Movie review: The movie begin with two friends on a quest their long lost buddy, they begin the long journey to find this buddy which encounter a long forgotten bet when they were in engineering college. Their long lost buddy; Ranchodas shamalas chancad (kalo ga sala ni tulisannya, itu si mas ganteng Aamir Khan yg peranin) who has unique ways in every single things he did n inspiring them as well (uuhh gemesss!) . 3 diffrent people (Rancho, Raju and Farhan) in diffrent perspective have to face ups and downs in their life after they meet Rancho in college, yup after 4 years took a school of engineering their life are change for forever because of this buddy! hmmm.. really, this is a comedy movie of ideas that provocative as it is funny, packed with romance, thrill, sad story, wildly entertaining, insightful, hhm wat else, u name it, all is there. Talks about the most important of human pursuits and self actualization. Mantepp! Must watch movie only in Blitz Megaplex Pacific Place. U know guys, i never write the movie review before honestly, this is the first movie that i have in mind and i feel so layaak to have my review. (soook amet sihh!)
Here, here.. listen to two of their soundtrack its coooll (wlopun agak2 gmn gitu ya klo mengumandangkan lagu indiahee) but really, i like this soong is very muchoo and this soong too. :))
U gotta be feel regret if u missed this movie. For myself i watched this twice already and heading to the third time, perhaps. First time i almost run out of the seat in theatre as i was in 3rd row, the 2nd time as i dont want to drummed into watch by carried my head up for 3 hour lasts so i expect to get the upper row, but its all over again, yup even worst i got the 2nd row this time. haha. but no probs as long as i can see Aamir Khan much closer. fufufuhh! i tell u sumting, the 2nd time, i watch movie with cimoon after i kompor2in abt the movie he endup to watch it, hihi. i know, i know i've been so annoy last nite since during 3 hrs movie i just starring at the big screen n amazed aamir's performance, hehe. pulang dari bioskop langsung sakit mata kiri kanan entah apa dan knapah.. :p
Well eniweii u, yess uuu.. watch this movie yak!