February 10, 2011

The Ex-Files!

How big the temptations that come before your Wedding Day??
How much ex-boy/girlfriend affects your feeling? and..
How much he or she affects your marriage later on??

Eh wait! this is not about me nor Ogita. i have a stories about friend of mine, we know each other since high school, since we still bau matahari hehe. I tell you what, we happened to nyicip secara bergantian the same boyfriend at that time, frankly my ex boyfriend end-up dating with her. hihi. Mad? No Never! I was actually happy for them. Buat gue, apapun yang terjadi terhadap gue itu atas kehendak yang maha kuasa, jadi insyaAllah akan kuterima walau bagi beberapa orang pahit, *iih mulai dramaaa, Masih alhamdulillah gue cuma kehilangan pacar, kecik itu mah.. coba kalo sampai kehilangan suami kaya mba Angel*na Sondak, hikss yangaaann.. :(

Ok, lets stop the intro.
(Demi kebaikan bersama mari kita samarkan nama-nama di dalam cerita) :p

My bestfriend Mawar, she s been in casual-dating with a man call Liliput after Mawar broke-up with 9-years-relationship bf call Ditto years ago. This is a bit weird n diffrent than any dating that ever been really! i quite often raise my-eyebrow everytime i hear their stories (no tanggal jadian, none of Mawar & Liliput say that they ve been together/ pacaran, they both just as free as a bird, bisa nemplok sana nemplok sini) but, until a shocking-news come to me coz they re getting married soon! yes this year! oh God! i ask her one time so u can call "this" as pacaran until your Wed day? she answering No! alamak binun awak!! to add more confusion as well as more headache (kenapa jadi gue yang hedek??) wait until i tell you this, this morning i got her message that Ditto recently ask her that he s so much ready to marry her this mid-year if she wants. Matek ga tuh! sementara rencana pernikahan dengan om Liliput akan segera berlangsyung tengah tahun ini. Terus waktu di tanya rencana lo apa? she promptly reply "nikah yang pasti jadi, tapi groom nya masih tentative" Alamak gue fikir ini cuma terjadi di film-film belaka, ternyata ada juga di kehidupan nyata. tsk.. tsk.. tsk

Mawar tells me that she need sometimes to figure this out, istikharah, tahajud de-es-te. She doesnt want to hasty, she knows that this is marriage not ftv or sandiwara radio. I know that she loves Liliput, likes or whatever and so does Liliput to her. They re been in casual dating for almost a year and they finally in (real) love and so ready to get married. But now as of sudden Ditto, that she loved, wanted-to-be years ago returns and ask the same thing. And this is really what Mawar wants at the most before, but why just now? where have u been?? ketiduran? hiding? apa diculik? Hmmph.

I simply says, ahhh itu sih godaan syaiton yang terkutuk, cobaan orang yang mau merit, setiap orang pasti punya cobaan-cobaan masing masing sesuai porsi nya, sekarang tinggal yakinin diri aja untuk bisa mencintai si Liliput and no need to look back. But ohhss not that simple, next thing i know that Mawar still have a "something" into Ditto and dia ga mau mendapati penyeselan yang besar dikemudian hari. Lalu gimana nasib si Liliput?? katanya insyaAllah Liliput sudah ikhlas dengan apapun yang akan terjadi, alamaaa kesian betul nasib Liliput (mungkin ada baiknya dia kembali ke negeri Liliput, hehe). Remember ya maw/ war.. , Wedding might take u a day, but marriages are lifetime! so be prepared ya seusss. Hihi

Penasaran akan akhir dari cerita Mawar, Liliput dan Ditto? akan kah Mawar berakhir dengan Liliput, Ditto atau dengan Farrel? Eh cinta fitri??

Sama gue juga penasaran lhoh! hihi :)

Am just hoping the best for her!
Love you and goodluck :)



Giri Y. Atmaja said...

Ini cerita FTV ya? ditayangin kpn & jam brp? :D

thejourneyofasillygirl said...

Ketawa2 baca ftv ala shoumie ini.. Gue pun begituuu tauuuk.. Tapi alhamdulillah udah dapet jawabannya hohoo.. Titip kata2 mutiara buat si Mawar ya: Yang lalu biarlah berlalu, liatnya ke depan ajah.. *tsaaah berasa paling bener deh gue :p

anti said...

ini kaya film Hari untuk Amanda deh mba.. :D
eh salam kenal ya, blogwalking terus menclok kesini. :)

shoumieee said...

@Ogitahmarita: Deuuhh yg pny hobi baru ntn ftv2. lsg deh ga mau ketinggalan! :))

@Annoth: oya? wahh ternyata bkn cm mawar yg bernasip begini, kamupun ya. sip2 nanti disampein ke si mawar

@Anti: Hi Anti, oo iya gue baru sadar ceritanya ky hari untuk amanda, berarti nanti si mawar berakhir sama liliput dong ya, hihi. Oiya Salam Kenal juga! :)