Mmhh.., Oct 2009 ini genap satu tahun umur kebersamaan kita, tepatnya tanggal 27 Oktober 2009 nanti. Insyaallah kita masih diberikan nikmat hidup, nikmat iman sampai dengan hari itu ya, amien.. Well, i run out of words to describe how can i thanks to Allah for the chance to have person like you. (ngetiknya smbil tersipu malu inih)..
Udah segitu dulu, nanti kita lanjut2 lagi yah.. Happy working! muwawwhh..
Luv yuu buu,
1 comment:
I might not be a perfect person, or even a romantic one. But to love you is a wonderful thing to me. We shared moments together and we were learning to be grown-up together.
Our journey is still a long way to go, and it has just started. Hope all laugh and tears that we've been through together will strengthen our love. Amien..
Luv u 2,
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