Tenangg.. minggu ini mungkin memang gagal.. mdh2an minggu depan kita bisa merealisasikan fotoh2 ini, supaya satu persatu beres, bukan begitu cimonn? lekas pulang.. bawa oleh2 yg banyak buat akuu, hihihi. :)
-Neng Mocin-
Tenangg.. minggu ini mungkin memang gagal.. mdh2an minggu depan kita bisa merealisasikan fotoh2 ini, supaya satu persatu beres, bukan begitu cimonn? lekas pulang.. bawa oleh2 yg banyak buat akuu, hihihi. :)
-Neng Mocin-
Why combination? we think its kinda rare. then again, we can match them with any kind of bracelet, watches, or suits colour that we wear. Why Diamond? we all must ever heard that diamond are forever? yes, we choose diamond to sketch pattern how our commitment is going to be. For my view, when we bought diamond we never thought that we are going to invest them n sell it later, the only intention we have is to pleased the person we love, thats all i can think of! In fact, price is quite expensive but for sell them, dont expect that we will get profit. So, just keep a diamond ring to be lasts forever and dont sell them! :)
Harga sewa gedung nya pun juga sudah termasuk perintilan-perintilan dibawah ini lhoo..
- Prefunction lobby
- Sound system 4.000 watt dan 5 buah mike (nice! aku bs kebagian mic jg buat nyanyii2, hihi)
- Kapasitas listrik 5.000 VA
- Panggung pelaminan ukuran 16 m x 5 m dan panggung musik 3 m x 6 m
- Lighting 5.000 watt dengan system komputerisasi
- 100 unit kursi VIP
- Buku tamu dan meja penerima tamu masing-masing 4 (empat) unit
- 3 (tiga) ruang rias (r.rias pengantin, keluarga dan panitia)
- Karpet kehormatan satu jalur warna merah
- Complimentary parcel buah&aneka soft drink diruang rias pengantin
- Papan informasi (baguss, spy tamu ga nyasar ke gedung sebelah, sippooo!)
- Sketsel sebagai pembatas
- Cadangan generator 800.000 va dilengkapi amf
- Kemananan, areal parkir, doorman dan car call
- Sidedoor detector bila diperlukan
- Toilet, petugas kebersihan dan izin keramaian dari Kepolisian dan Koramil setempat
Fireworks are right behind us lhoo.. dont u see it??
01 Jan 2010, we spend our time to see the lovely, gorgeous fireworks upon the dark sky n i was whispering my wish-list during that time (hope all the plans, dreams n everything will come true amien) after seeing the fireworks we decide to have coffee but all the places are quite crowd so we finally endup to have early bfast at 01AM at Bubur Sukabumi Tebet! and we get home at 2AM then go to sleep! ..and see u next year
Sekian kiranya rekap saya, sibubu, adik ku nanda dan pacarnya si angga menghabiskan malam tahun baru kemarin, buat kami.. ga penting bagaimana merayakan pergantian tahun tersebut namun the most important note is "how we fill this 2010 with a bunch of goody thingy n how we try be more usefull for people around us" thats all!
Anyway, wish u and ur fam a very happy and prosperous new year and best wishes for 2010!! Amien.