February 24, 2010

#3 Idiots 4 Thumbs up, bebioo!

All izz well, All izz well..

There you goo, another inspiring movee. yap 3Idiots cast si mas ganteng Aamir Khan n si mbak Kareena Kapoor.

Movie review: The movie begin with two friends on a quest their long lost buddy, they begin the long journey to find this buddy which encounter a long forgotten bet when they were in engineering college. Their long lost buddy; Ranchodas shamalas chancad (kalo ga sala ni tulisannya, itu si mas ganteng Aamir Khan yg peranin) who has unique ways in every single things he did n inspiring them as well (uuhh gemesss!) . 3 diffrent people (Rancho, Raju and Farhan) in diffrent perspective have to face ups and downs in their life after they meet Rancho in college, yup after 4 years took a school of engineering their life are change for forever because of this buddy! hmmm.. really, this is a comedy movie of ideas that provocative as it is funny, packed with romance, thrill, sad story, wildly entertaining, insightful, hhm wat else, u name it, all is there. Talks about the most important of human pursuits and self actualization. Mantepp! Must watch movie only in Blitz Megaplex Pacific Place. U know guys, i never write the movie review before honestly, this is the first movie that i have in mind and i feel so layaak to have my review. (soook amet sihh!)

Here, here.. listen to two of their soundtrack its coooll (wlopun agak2 gmn gitu ya klo mengumandangkan lagu indiahee) but really, i like this soong is very muchoo and this soong too. :))

U gotta be feel regret if u missed this movie. For myself i watched this twice already and heading to the third time, perhaps. First time i almost run out of the seat in theatre as i was in 3rd row, the 2nd time as i dont want to drummed into watch by carried my head up for 3 hour lasts so i expect to get the upper row, but its all over again, yup even worst i got the 2nd row this time. haha. but no probs as long as i can see Aamir Khan much closer. fufufuhh! i tell u sumting, the 2nd time, i watch movie with cimoon after i kompor2in abt the movie he endup to watch it, hihi. i know, i know i've been so annoy last nite since during 3 hrs movie i just starring at the big screen n amazed aamir's performance, hehe. pulang dari bioskop langsung sakit mata kiri kanan entah apa dan knapah.. :p
Well eniweii u, yess uuu.. watch this movie yak!

February 23, 2010

The Most Expensive One!!

Ga ush pake bak-bik-buk lsg aja ya. pekan lalu ada seorang sales dari sbuah hotel terkemuka dtg ke kantor guna menawarkan fasilitas hotelnya buat para tetamu kantor saya, sebut saja hotel terkemuka yg berada di bilangan Jakarta Pusat titek. Awal mula dia mempresentasikan about hotel room facilities nyah pembicaraan berkembang tanya2 ttg personal thingy which was "sudah jadi merit blum mba?" emg sih beberapa bln yg lalu sales ini memang sempet mampir ke kantor dan menawarkan hal serupa lalu iseng pny iseng saya tny2 ttg penggunaan hotel ballroom nya dan dgn proaktifnya dia berbicara ttg ke-luxury-an hotel nya tersebut blah blah, yada-yada, endebra-endebreh.. hingga smp pertemuan kemarin dia memfollow up hal serupah dgn basabasi nanya "udh jd merit blm mba?"

lantang aku jawab; "belum nih, insyaAllah tahun ini.."
lalu desse nanya lg "gimana tertarik ga pakai ballroom kita nih?"
saya blg; "engga deh, udh dapet tempatnya."
sales: "waa sayangg bgt yah pdhl klo pake ballroom kita bs jd unforgetable wedding moment" (dalam hati: ni orang ngeledek or am i look that wealthy? hihihi),
singkat cerita aku tanya lg ke dia "emg brapaan paket weddingnya?" *curious jg lama2*
sales: "aku ta' kasih harga spesial buat mba deh"
saya: "iya berapa kira2, biar saya ada bayangan"
sales: "kurang lebih buffetnya minimal 300-400jt-an"
saya: (pura2 pingsan kynya mendingan deh sambil mesem2..hehe),

she said 400jtan mmphhh.. 499jt jg masi disebut 400jt-an bukan? blom lg dia nambahin, itu buffetnya aja ya..blom dekor tp ga ush dekor yg terlalu rame soalnya ballroom nya jg udh cantik kok! yeeaa riteee. iya degh mbak, sdh barang pasti i wont spend bout 400jt an juga buat 4hrs activities, mending buat umroh ato pergi haji ketauan ato ngasi makan orang2 ga mampu lebih keliatan guna-nya daripade-daripade. Conclusion, sepertinya dia sungguh2 salah-salah alamat deh kynya promosiin tu ballroom ke gua. hihi..

After a while aku coba cari2 dari uncle google, dan emg bener ternyata eh ternyata emg ni hotel termahal buat pemakaian ballroom nya above hotel m***a, r**z ecetra..ecetra. huhuy. But, thanks for the offer ya mba, mdh2an lekas dapet calon client yg ga kaya gua lagi dikemudian hari.. hihi :)

February 15, 2010

PMS (Pre-Marital Syndrome) :((

Emg ya, yg namanya PMS ga pernah enak kepanjangannya, klo cewe2 tiap blnnya dpt pre-menstruation syndrome, skrg guaa lg pre-marital syndrome hhrrr.. ga enak! pls get me rid of these..

Hari ini emosional, ke sensitifan neng mocin kembali bergejolak, krn ada hal2 tertentu yg membuat akuh merasa sedih.. se-sedih2nya, sdh hampir give-up sm all about wedding thingy.. Ya Allah, beri kami kekuatan ya Allah, mdh2an kami bs melalui smua cobaan yg sdg kmi hadapin ini skaligus mdh2an ini adalah cobaan yg engkau berikan dan bukan azab untuk kami ya Rob..

Beneran nih, sore ini hujan sederas2nya as heavy as my teardrops that keep fallin :(

Pls God, show us the rite way as i believe that you never leave us alonee..

February 12, 2010

Horeeey horey Cimoon come home!!

Have a safe flt dearyyy and see you in next couple hrs in Jakarta!
yippppii.. :))

February 11, 2010

Superr Duperr Quickie HunMoon Plan!

Yeaaa.. i guess the title quite tells you already.

Hmm... let me tell u sumting, our holy matrimony, wedding reception will be beres about 3 days before ramadhan month hmm! quite clear how is the hun moon will gonna be thou! yup, we only have 2,5days to go for hunimun this time before puasa, i mean real hun moon; go somewhere with beautiful, fabulous view, where we can we hold our hand, hug and kiss each other (oooooppss!), staring sunrise and sunset together, walk by on the beach in the morning before n after sun which we cant do during ramadhan month, huh? (bisa batal puasa sayah!), In that case we still, well actually Me still insist to go somewhere just together for hunimun right after we married, but am not choose any places that have a lot of nature view for instance like lombok, bali, phuket and so on. I planned (i say my plan coz this is absoulutely not cimon's idea as he preferred we go after lebaran n me? ga mauuuu keburu basi momentnya :p, nanti hbs lebaran kitah pergi lagi yah cimooong). I surf candidates of the city that we are going to visit. In my random thought i'd love to see Brisbane, KL and Singapore to spend our quickie hun moon (i know i know its too usual, but to be honest this is going to b the first moment we spend puasa's day outside country n just be together, ahhaaa!)

First of all, i book the airplane, i got the Air Asia fare that really really cheap! guess how much it cost for CGK-KL-CGK? its only 900thou rups for two pax! mureee sess. I take it!. Secondly, search the hun moon package; as i mention earlier that this is goin to b the quickest hun moon so i plan to go to Genting highland for the first 2 days (enjoying the fresh air in the highland before puasa :p) after 2,5days in Genting we'll spend the rest of the day in other cities. We will b having teraweh in overseas's mosque for some days, that shud be cool, huh?! hehe. Am still look thru some packages that can attract me in and out (in and out means i shud love to see the contain in the package as well as love to see the price, hehe!) Eniweii, baidewei, in some webs, various package available which quite alot to pick! soo .. happy hunting for all the bridezilla and gudlak! :)

Ayook cimooon, kita hunting2 lg buat hunmoon pasca lebaran, hehe! *sedikit maksa nih*

February 8, 2010


Huaaaaa.. (nangisss bombaiiii...)

Kali ini moment terlama di tinggal cimooon. Hampir 4 pekan nih ga bersua, cm bisa ngobrol lwt je-jaringan teli-teliii dan jaringan maya. Kerjaan cimoon tampak panjaaangg dan lamaaa, stiap mlm dia cerita apa ajaa yg sdh dia kerjain seharian penuh walopun ga terlalu ngerti2 amat but really i can feel that he's getting weary day-by-day, working 24/7 everyday, well, not really 24hrs, most of the day he start at 8am-8pm BUT the good thing is he s gain his weight n he s getting endut! kok bisa yaa? mungkin karna jauh dari saya, hihi.

Tp, Aseli yah, ga ada si cimoon saya jadi maless bgt sejadi-jadinya ngapa2in, jmt kemarin nginep di apartmen temen sampai sabtu siang, cuma ngobrol2 gossip2 dan cm duduk di sofa yg cozy hingga malas bgt angkat badan, siangnya diajakin ke salon malah pilih pulang ke rmh en ngelanjutin bobo alhasil, saturday nite cuma bobo-makan-nonton di kamar (ahhh semacam kepompong saja aku nih!). Minggu pagi berencana liat2 kebaya tp lagi2 ku-urungkan niat ku n memilih bobo n nonton sehariann, sore harinya kebetulan 2 bumil ku (ennoche n ipu) deliver babies near in the same time, ga ada alesan buat tak ku besuk, lalu mandi lah saya sesampainya disana liat2 baby, ngobrol2, gossip2, abis itu pulang dan siap2 bobo. Sebelum bobo, my weekend's review; "ooow sh*t i missed 2 weekends without takin care bout any wedd stuffs even one!" ooohh cimoon lekas lah plg, and boost my mood up buat ngurus2in our wedd stuffs.. (hihi..alesaann!) en yak! sepertinya doaku akan terkabulkan, kalau engga ada halang merintang hari selasa or rabu this wik cimoon pulang, horeeeee!! cant wait to see youuuu my-baby-bala-bala-blum-blum-yada-yada! :p

February 4, 2010

Invitation Card? How is gonna be look like?

How is gonna be look like?

To be perfectly honest i dont like to have pricey invitation card, not to mention it wont be necessary, really! after receive the cards they read thru all the dates, venue, bride n groom name n throw into the trash bin anyway, so why we spend 10-20thou ruph for one piece cards that will be endup in trash bin? No way!!

Parents: "the invitation is the "first impression stuff" if we use good quality so we will pleased people that we invited"
Me: (dalam hati) "hell yeah! wats a matter? its only about the piece of paper that will goes to trash bin"

Well, well parent is parent..kata org2; klo ngelawan nanti kuwalat kaya malin kundang. ok ok.. The most important thing that they want to use good quality n for me the cheapest one will go! then i said; ur wish in my command, Mom!. We went to pasar tebet, again there s no card that can attract my eyes most in this pasar, all are just soo plain to see n the bad things is they dont know what kind models that i really want, i dont like to use hard cover n si mbak penjual said "oohh..kalo kaya gitu kaya contoh undangan batak dong yah?" Me: excuse me, mbak? batak? No No..bukan, hedehh (pusing sendiri!) .Do they think only bataknesse that can use that kind of card, huh? Hmmh.. well, i dont give up, i surfed some web n find invitation model that more-or-less closer to my thought but again.. subject to parent's approval. huhu.. this below are just inspirational board how is the invitation gonna be look like (note: not the mickey mouse one ya!);

I dont like using hard cover (its too usual) i dont making invitation in pasar tebet (coz its too common). I phone up one of invitation card's vendor in Bandung (i got them from mouth to mouth promotion) two of friends of mine satisfy with their work, why dont we give it da try? ohiya, also the prices are quite good. Plan to go there sometimes next weekend .. again without cimooonn!
